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Plugin for creating block-level custom tabs.


import MarkdownIt from "markdown-it";
import { tab } from "@mdit/plugin-tab";

const mdIt = MarkdownIt().use(tab, {
  // your options, name is required
  name: "tabs",


With this plugin, you can create tabs container with ::: name and :::, with name is the value you set as name.

In this container, you can use @tab marker to mark and separate tab contents.

@tab marker can be followed by a text, which will be used as tab title, and you can use @tab:active to mark the tab with default active state.

Any contents after a @tab marker and before container closing marker or new @tab marker will be considered as tab content. And contents before first @tab marker will be dropped.

To support global tab switching state, the plugin allows you to add an id suffix in tabs container, which will be used as tab id, and Also allows you to add an id suffix in @tab marker, which will be used as tab value. So it's possible for you to make all tabs with same id share same switch event.

By default the plugin renders related tabs dom for you, if you want to customize the rendering, you can pass tabsOpenRenderer, tabsCloseRenderer, tabOpenRenderer and tabCloseRenderer to the plugin options.

tabsOpenRenderer and tabOpenRenderer receives extra information as first args, see Options for more details.

The plugin doesn't provide any styles, and will not register any events, so that you should add styles and events by yourself.

Nesting and escaping

  • Nesting is not supported because @tab does not contain any information about what tab container it's marking.

  • If you need to use @tab at the beginning of the line, you can use \ to escape it to \@tab

  • If your tab title contain #, you can escape it with \:

    @tab c\#


interface MarkdownItTabData {
   * Title of tab
  title: string;

   * Tab index
  index: number;

   * Identifier of tab
  id?: string;

   * Whether the tab is active
  isActive?: boolean;

interface MarkdownItTabInfo {
   * Which tab is active
   * @description -1 means no tab is active
  active: number;

   * Data of tabs
  data: MarkdownItTabData[];

interface MarkdownItTabOptions {
   * The name of the tab container.
  name: string;

   * Tabs open renderer
  tabsOpenRenderer?: (
    info: MarkdownItTabInfo,
    tokens: Token[],
    index: number,
    options: Options,
    env: unknown,
    self: Renderer,
  ) => string;

   * Tabs close renderer
  tabsCloseRenderer?: (
    tokens: Token[],
    index: number,
    options: Options,
    env: unknown,
    self: Renderer,
  ) => string;

   * tab open renderer
  tabOpenRenderer?: (
    data: MarkdownItTabData,
    tokens: Token[],
    index: number,
    options: Options,
    env: unknown,
    self: Renderer,
  ) => string;

   * tab close renderer
  tabCloseRenderer?: (
    tokens: Token[],
    index: number,
    options: Options,
    env: unknown,
    self: Renderer,
  ) => string;


A tab of fruit


::: tabs#fruit

@tab apple#apple


@tab banana#banana


Another tab of fruit


::: tabs#fruit

@tab apple


@tab banana


@tab orange


A tab of fruit without id


::: tabs

@tab apple


@tab banana


@tab orange

