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Plugin for creating block-level custom containers.


import MarkdownIt from "markdown-it";
import { container } from "@mdit/plugin-container";

const mdIt = MarkdownIt().use(container, {
  // your options, name is required
  name: "warning",

::: warning

Warning Text



With this plugin you can create block containers like:

::: warning
_here be dragons_

and specify how they should be rendered. If no renderer defined, <div> with container name class will be created:

<div class="warning">
  <em>here be dragons</em>

Markup is the same as for fenced code blocks. However by default the plugin use another character as marker and content is rendered as markdown markup by plugin.

Nesting and escaping

  • Nestings can be done by increasing marker number of outer container:

    :::: warning
    Warning contents...
    ::: details
    Some details

    will be


    Warning contents...


    Some details

  • Escaping can be done by adding \ to escape the marker:

    \::: warning

    will be

    ::: warning



interface MarkdownItContainerOptions {
   * Container name
  name: string;

   * Container marker
   * @default ":"
  marker?: string;

   * Validate whether it should be regarded as this container type
   * @param params the content after the marker
   * @param markup marker character
   * @returns is this container type or not
   * @default params.trim().split(" ", 2)[0] === name
  validate?: (params: string, markup: string) => boolean;

   * Opening tag render function
  openRender?: RenderRule;

   * Closing tag render function
  closeRender?: RenderRule;


Hint container

With the following code and some styles:

md.use(container, {
  name: "hint",
  openRender: (tokens, index, _options) => {
    const info = tokens[index].info.trim().slice(4).trim();

    return `<div class="custom-container hint">\n<p class="custom-container-title">${
      info || "Hint"
You can write a hint like this:

Here is a Hint


Here is a hint for you!

  • Hint 1
    • Hint 1.1
    • Hint 1.2
  • Hint 2
::: hint Here is a Hint

::: hint

Here is a **hint** for you!

- Hint 1
  - Hint 1.1
  - Hint 1.2
- Hint 2
