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Plugin for stylizing tokens.


import MarkdownIt from "markdown-it";
import { stylize } from "@mdit/plugin-stylize";

const mdIt = MarkdownIt().use(stylize, {
  config: [
    // your options

mdIt.render("Check FAQ for more details._Recommended_");

The config option receives an array, where each element accepts 2 options:

  • matcher: should be string or RegExp.

  • replacer: a function customizing the matched token

For example, you can use the following config to transform *Recommended* into a Badge <Badge type="tip">Recommended</Badge>:

mdIt.use(stylize, {
  config: [
      matcher: "Recommended",
      replacer: ({ tag }) => {
        if (tag === "em")
          return {
            tag: "Badge",
            attrs: { type: "tip" },
            content: "Recommended",


Another example is you want a to set all the emphasis n’t words to red color, so that Setting this to a invalid syntax *doesn’t* have any effect. becomes: "Setting this to a invalid syntax doesn’t have any effect."

mdIt.use(stylize, {
  config: [
      matcher: /n’t$/,
      replacer: ({ tag, attrs, content }) => {
        if (tag === "em")
          return {
            tag: "span",
            attrs: { ...attrs, style: "color: red" },


Also, we provide a localConfigGetter to receive env object in case you want to apply local rules in certain situations.

mdIt.use(stylize, {
  localConfigGetter: (env) => env.stylize || [],

mdIt.render("Check FAQ for more details._Recommended_", {
  stylize: [
      matcher: "Recommended",
      replacer: ({ tag }) => {
        if (tag === "em")
          return {
            tag: "Badge",
            attrs: { type: "tip" },
            content: "Recommended",




To avoid performance impact, you should try to avoid using RegExp for better performance unless you need it.

Also try to create snippets with RegExp having lower costs, e.g: RegExp starting with ^ and ending with $.

For example, if you only want to match "SHOULD", "MUST" and "MAY", you should write /^(?:SHOULD|M(?:UST|AY))$/u instead of /SHOULD|MUST|MAY/u. The fist one will only match 2 time with "A loo...oong content" with 1000 characters, but will match nearly 3000 times with the second RegExp.


interface MarkdownItStylizeResult {
   * Tag name
  tag: string;

   * Attributes settings
  attrs: Record<string, string>;

   * Tag content
  content: string;

interface MarkdownItStylizeConfig {
   * Inline token matcher
  matcher: string | RegExp;

   * Content Replacer
  replacer: (options: {
    tag: string;
    content: string;
    attrs: Record<string, string>;
    env?: any;
  }) => MarkdownItStylizeResult | void;

interface MarkdownItStylizeOptions {
   * Stylize config
  config?: MarkdownItStylizeConfig[];

   * Local config getter
   * @param env Markdown env object
   * @returns local stylize config
  localConfigGetter?: (env?: any) => MarkdownItStylizeConfig[] | null;